Building Access

Building Hours
WIlliam James Hall is open Monday - Friday, 7am - 9pm. WJH is closed on the weekends and holidays. If you have any questions regarding access, please contact Sabrina Joaquim ( or Fran Barry (


Building Access Using Your Harvard ID Card

Your Harvard ID card is your access to spaces that are protected by a card reader - including the exterior doors after hours, weekends and holidays. You may request card access through your department administrator and if approved, access will be granted within 24 hours of request.

In addition, department administrators are responsible for notifying William James Hall Building Operations at ( of additions and deletions to the card access list. If your card is defective lost or stolen and needs to be replaced, please contact the Campus Service Center in Smith Campus Center as soon as possible. Once you receive your replacement card, please contact Sabrina Joaquim to verify that previous WJH clearances remain intact on your HUID. 


Request for keys can be made from the appropriate sponsoring Professor, Lab Manager, or Department Administrator  by emailing with all pertinent information and please allow 24 hours to fill key requests. You will receive an email when they key request has been processed and ready for pick up at the Building Operations Office in the Basement of WJH (B12). 

A Securitas security guard is stationed in the Lobby of William James Hall after 5pm weekdays and 24 hours on the weekends and holidays. In the event of an emergency please dial 911 or  reach out to HUPD at 617-495-1212 or Harvard University Police Department. For additional safety and security information, please visit Safety & Security | Harvard University Police Department. If you need to speak to Securitas, they can be reached at 617-496-9370 - 24/7. 

Lock Out Procedure

If you are locked out of the building during regular busines hours, contact the William James Hall Operations Office at 617-495-3801. If after hours, please contact Harvard Operations Control Center at 617-495-5560.

Lost & Found

Lost and Found is located in the Building Operations Office in the basement (B12). Items of monetary value are sent immediately to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD). If you need to locate an item, please call the Operations Office at 617-495-3801 or HUPD at 617-495-1783.

Mail Services

Outgoing mail can be brougth down to the Building Operations Office (B12) anytime of the day. Mail Serivces is open from 9am-12pm, Monday - Friday and closed on the weekends. If you have any mail concerns, please reach out HUMS at 617-496-6245 or Mail & Delivery Services | Harvard Mail & Print.